Summer Training

C Programming

Average time Duration : 6 Months (2hrs/day)
In this course, you will learn the principles of C programming. Beginners, even those without any programming experience, will be able to immediately start coding in C.
Course Details-
                                          The C programming language is one of the most stable and popular programming languages in the world. It helps to power your smartphone, your car’s navigation system, robots, drones, trains, and almost all electronic devices. C is used in any circumstances where speed and flexibility are important, such as in embedded systems or high-performance computing.

Full Stack Web development Training

What You will Learn in this Bootcamp Duration: 400 hours
Course Details-
                                In the Software Development Training, you will attend lectures, take part in individual and group exercises, and gain access to virtual labs and real-world projects that teach you how to create user experiences through client and server-side development best practices. The Software Development Bootcamp consists of a total of 400 in-class hours.

HTML & Web Accessibility

In these courses, you will learn in-depth web development concepts and techniques. You will also gain knowledge of the basics of web development—including HTML, CSS, programming with JavaScript, and source code management. In the Software Development training, you will learn the principles of web development from day one. The fundamentals are taught with user experience in mind, and best practices are consistently explained in each course.

The HTML & Web Accessibility course is meant to give you a strong foundation in the building blocks of web pages, prepare you for later courses, and tie web development into current events and real-life situations.

CSS & CSS Frameworks

The CSS & CSS Frameworks course aims to give you the ability to style the layouts you learned to create in HTML & Web Accessibility. This course covers a wide variety of techniques for styling an interface for the web, beginning with foundational concepts and common practices for writing CSS by hand, and concluding with the usage of related tools that style more efficiently.

User Experience & User Interface Design

The User Experience & User Interface Design course introduces the research skills that you need to identify your users and the solutions you need. Learning about UX/UI will further solidify the earlier concepts of usability and accessibility.

JavaScript & Front-End Web Development

The JavaScript & Front-End Web Development course provides you with a fundamental understanding of your first programming language, practices DOM manipulation and events on front-end web pages,and introduces more advanced JavaScript topics to scaffold information in later courses.

Back-End Development & APIs

The Back-End Development & APIs course opens up the world of server-side programming and enables you to create and document custom APIs while following best practices and using industry-standard tools for testing. You will also learn to persist data using a MYSQL database .

many More–

SQL & Data Modeling


Advanced Topics

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